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Welcome from our Head of School

欢迎来到全球最大的博彩公司——一个激发学生学习灵感的地方, lead and succeed every day. Southpointe is a university preparatory, co-educational school, 为学生和家庭提供一个关爱和以社区为中心的环境. Our core values of kindness, integrity, perseverance, 尊重和责任为创造一个归属感的地方提供了基础,在那里社区精神是活跃的, where students feel a sense of care, and are supported to achieve their personal best.

Southpointe是一所国际文凭(IB)连续世界学校,被授权提供完整的小学课程(K-5)。, Middle Years Programme (Grades 6-10), and Diploma Programme (Grades 11-12). 作为一所IB连续世界学校,提供连续的IB课程, Southpointe拥抱IB的理念“发展探究”, knowledgeable and caring young people, 谁通过跨文化理解和尊重来帮助创造一个更美好、更和平的世界.” At Southpointe, 我们的目标是培养有品格的年轻人,他们将对世界产生积极的影响.

Through the IB, Southpointe通过确保学生具备在快速变化的环境中茁壮成长所需的关键技能,为21世纪中叶的成功做好准备, increasingly global world. The focus on communication, thinking, research, 社会和自我管理技能从K-12丰富了南角教育的链-学者, arts, athletics, 全球最大的博彩平台和服务式学习——为学生提供全方位的体验. 

As the Head of School at Southpointe, 我每天都被我看到的我们的工作人员的承诺所鼓舞,以确保我们的学生得到照顾, that they do well in their studies, 让他们充分发挥自己的潜力,达到个人的最佳水平. 我们很荣幸能与我们的学生一起工作,帮助他们享受在Southpointe的生活中形成的教育经历. When parents, students and educators come together around core values, a shared purpose, and a deep sense of mission, then the foundation is laid for a great, holistic education. The foundation is laid for our children to be happy, to succeed, and to make a positive difference in the world.

在浏览了我们的网站,了解了更多全球最大的博彩公司学校的信息之后, 我希望你能联系我,约个时间来参观绍斯波因特. We look forward to meeting you.

Warm regards,

Gordon MacIntyre, Head of School

Gordon MacIntyre, Head of School

An educator with over twenty-five years of experience, 戈登·麦金太尔(Gordon MacIntyre)在不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)对教学和教育产生了热情. He has earned four degrees from UBC, 包括教育硕士(教育行政与领导).

在2018年加入Southpointe Academy担任校长之前, Gordon served as the Deputy Head of School at Mulgrave, the International School of Vancouver. 他之前的领导职位包括温哥华斯特拉特福大厅初中的主任职位, 另一所国际文凭(IB)独立学校. Earlier in his career, 他在枫叶岭的梅多里奇学校教小学和高中,并担任体育主任和大学辅导员. 

Territorial Acknowledgement

Southpointe想要承认tsawassen和musquam第一民族的传统领土,以及所有说Hun 'qumi 'num的人,他们自古以来就是这片土地的管家. 我们还要向所有在我们之前去世的长者表示敬意.


Welcome to Southpointe!

我们美丽的校园位于南三角洲的中心, a growing community rich in history, surrounded by nature reserves and boundless ocean views. Established in 2000, Southpointe已发展成为一所全球最大的博彩公司学校,提供国际文凭(IB)连续课程, which encourages students to think critically, engage in global conversations, and is recognized by universities around the world. 

Southpointe Academy被授权提供从幼儿园到五年级的IB小学课程(PYP), 6至10年级的IB中期课程(MYP)和11至12年级的IB文凭课程(DP). Southpointe是加拿大为数不多的学校之一,也是三角洲地区唯一一所提供从幼儿园到毕业的IB连续课程的学校.

With a foundation built on community, Southpointe已发展成为一所国际公认的学校, 在坚持其创始使命的同时,寻求扩大可能的边界. 由经验丰富的教职员工塑造,他们为每个部门带来不同的观点和广泛的知识, an internationally recognized curriculum framework, and a state-of-the-art campus, Southpointe展望光明的未来,同时继续为我们的学生提供全球最大的博彩公司教育, lead and succeed.


Our Mission, Vision & Values

At Southpointe, 作为一个学校社区,我们的共同目标是培养全面发展的学生,使他们具备成功的技能. Our school's Mission, 愿景和价值观提供了一个指南,确保Southpointe及其学生的未来是每一个决定的核心.


Profile of a Southpointe Graduate

Once a Titan, always a Titan! 我们希望看到我们的毕业生超越他们在Southpointe的时间,并在大学取得成功, career and citizenship. While students go on to join our Alumni, 我们希望每个毕业生都能成为Southpointe社区的终身合作伙伴.

Discover who OUR graduates are

Our Leadership Team

Gordon MacIntyre

Head of School

Cori Kusel

Middle School Principal

Coralie MacIntyre

Junior School Principal

Our Future

Southpointe Academy正处于我们的总体校园计划扩展的发展阶段. 我们正在扩大和丰富我们的课程和课外产品,为学生和家庭提供额外的专业教室和设施. 作为达美唯一的国际文凭(IB)连续学校,Southpointe将能够提供更多从幼儿园到12年级的课程,并丰富其体育实力, arts, outdoor education and service-learning programs. The growth of Southpointe will serve local families' needs, enhance the local economy, 丰富南三角洲整体社区发展.

Learn more about our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan here


Learn More


Experience Southpointe’s world leading K-12 IB education. Learn more about our school & applying by joining us for a Tour or Open House! Click to learn more.


从K-12的学生体验全球最大的博彩公司教育与体验式学习的机会 & develop the skills to succeed. Click to learn more.


Join a dedicated team of faculty & staff passionate about their work & who bring expertise & experience from all over the world to Southpointe Academy! Click to learn more.

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